Sunday, August 23, 2009

Term Three: Child Soldiers and The GuluWalk

Lesson: Child Soldiers and the GuluWalk

Rationale: As part of a unit on Global Bullying, students will learn about the use of child soldiers in the world (specifically in Uganda). In the unit students see bullying by individuals, by armies and by countries. In the case of child soldiers, students will see the "bullying" of these children by armies. Specifically, this lesson focuses on the civil war in Uganda. The lesson begins with the concept of "soldier", looks specifically at the problem of child soldiers in Uganda, and ends with plans to participate in the annual GuluWalk in downtown Toronto.

Curriculum Expectations:
Overall Expectations:
demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts;
create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions and techniques;

Specific Expectations
1.1 explain how a variety of media texts address their intended purpose and audience
1.6 identify who produces various media texts and determine the commercial interests that the text may involve
3.4 produce a variety of media texts of some technical complexity for specific purpose and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques

Before - Activation
In order to introduce the topic of child soldiers as vicitums of bullying, students will be involved in a comparison and contrast activity using Google images. Students will be asked to closed their eyes and create an image in their mind when the teacher says a word. Start with simple concepts like "ice cream", "pizza", and "math textbook". Than, say the word "soldier". Now show the photo collection below of soldiers and keep asking the students, "Is this a soldier?"

During - Processing
Show the documentary "Night Commuters-Uganda" and have them complete the Media Prism worksheet. This worksheet can be started in class and finished for homework.

What we can do to help is participate in the Annual TDSB GuluWalk which raises money and awareness. Here is some information about this event that was started in Toronto.



After - Consolidation:
Students will be asked to work in small groups to come up with a slogan for a banner the class will create and carry during the Annual TDSB GuluWalk in downtown Toronto.

Lesson: Effective Use of Slogans

In this lesson students will look at various commercial slogans and analyse what makes them effective. First they will be given a list of slogans and ask them to match the slogan with the product or service (for example: "finger licking good" and KFC or "Just Do It" and Nike). Than they will review the slogans created for the GuluWalk banner and discuss which ones are most effective and why. Some examples may be "We Walk for Uganda", "Do the GuluWalk!" or "Every Step Counts!"

Lesson: Creating Banners

A few weeks before the TDSB GuluWalk (last week of April), students will be given class time to contruct their banners. For uniform letters an overhead will be used with large sheets of paper for letter templates. The templates can be taped onto the bed sheets and spray paint can be used to trace the letters onto the canvas. Students will decide in advance what colours and symbols they would like on their banner (for example: hearts, footprints, and peace signs).

Instructional Strategies:
visual activity (image of a soldier), deep viewing of documentary (media prism), brainstorming (slogans for banners), performance task (create banner) and field trip (TDSB GuluWalk)

Assessment and Evaluation:

Assessment for learning: ask students what they already know about child soldiers?

Assessment as learning: have students brainstorm in groups various slogans they can use for their banner. This will not be part of their final grade but a chance to explore slogans.

Assessment of learning: the culminating task for this lesson is the GuluWalk Banner (media product). It will be evaluated using a rubric. The banner will illustrate student's understanding of child soldiers as victims of bullying. They will also be asked to include a reflective journal entry about the process, their learning and their participation in the TDSB GuluWalk.


- online photo slide show of "soldiers" using Picasa (software)
- documentary "Night Commuters-Uganda" and "GuluWalk for the Children of Uganda"
- Media Prism worksheet
- GuluWalk website
- TDSB GuluWalk website and how to get involved.

Banner Material:
-white bedsheets, spray paint, paper to make templates, paint and brushes

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