Sunday, August 23, 2009

Term One: Introduction to Media Literacy Concepts

An Introduction to the 5 Key Concepts and the Media Triangle

Two frameworks are used to help you understand media messages.

The first is the 5 Key Concepts of Media Literacy.

5 Key Concepts of Media Literacy Poster

The second is the Media Studies Triangle which examines 3 different points of view (the Media Text, the Audience, and the Production) in order to gain more meaning. All 3 points of view must be considered to fully understand the media text's meaning.

Use the activity sheet Media Studies Triangle to analyse various media text....

Let's analyse a few media texts together.....

A) Here is a Coke Commercial.....

B) Here is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) About Factory Farming Called "The Meatrix":

C) Here are Movie Posters.....

D) Now, with a partner or on your own, try using the "Media Studies Triangle" to analyse a Magazine....

Product Placement in the Movies

Do a YouTube search for "Behind the Screens".... the documentary is in 5 parts on YouTube. Be sure the students are aware the three ways in which products are integrated into the movies we watch today (Cross Promotions, Merchandising, and Tie-Ins). All three are explained with examples in "Behind the Screens: Hollywood goes Hypercommercial 3 of 5" on YouTube.

Cross Promotions: the product is in the film and mentioned plus the commercials about the product mention the film.

Merchandising: what else can you sell as a result of the movie (i.e. t-shirts, mugs, toys). Some characters in movies are actually created because they can easily become toys (i.e. "ToyStory")

Tie-Ins: the product and the film have an agreement/arrangement. For example, Disney and McDonalds have had a 10 year agreement that any Disney movie will be promoted with products (toys with Happy Meals) at McDonalds.

Movie makers are nolonger interested in making great movies they are more interested in making great deals.

Product Placement Activity:
Have the students find their own examples of product placement in movies they know. If possible some may even bring in the VHS or DVD. It might be more productive (and provocative) to have them review a few of their own favorite movies. Ask the students to find examples of Cross Promotions, Merchadising, and Tie-Ins

YouTube Behind the Screens
Behind the Screens Study Guide
Product Placement Assignment

Links to Examples of Product Placement:


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